This download is ONLY for LMX administrators. It contains no data! If you are an LMX user looking to access a pre-exiting setup for your military installation, please contact your local LMX administrator.


Existing Users: For this upgrade, you will have to download the LMX_Complete package.  I have made changes to the backend tables, so there are data fields in this new version that aren’t n your current version.  Upgrading is a pretty simple and straight forward process.  You can then use this guide to transfer your data from your old backend file to the new one.

IMPORTANT: After upgrading, if you get an error where the data currency icons on the Welcome tab are all green and blank. Look at the last page of the upgrade guide to resolve this issue. It has to do with LMX now tracking the data currency for a couple new things that you do not have data for in your current backend file. Sorry for the extra step.

New Users: If you are a new user, you have to download the complete package and follow the set-up instructions in LMX Complete.

NEW FEATURE: Older versions of LMX used a batch file that would automatically download the Frontend file to the users desktop when they clicked it. In many locations, the DOIM / NEC have disabled the use of the Command Prompt on government computers. Because of this, I developed a work-around for distributing LMX on your local network.  Follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the file called “GetLMX.accdb” and place it into your “GetLMX” folder on your network.
  2. Open the file and click “Enable this content”
  3. It will tell you that the backend location has moved and ask if you want to select a new location manually. Click YES
  4. When prompted for the password, type “lmxiscool” (without the quotation marks).
  5. Select your LMX backend type (Either an Access Database or a Microsoft SQL Server) by clicking Yes or No. Note: Korea is the only location that uses a SQL Server for the database backend. Everyone else should choose Access Database backend.
  6. For an Access database backend, browse to the LMX backend file inside the Backend folder on your local network . Select the LMX_BE.mdb file and click Open.
  7. You should get a message saying that all tables were successfully reconnected. Close the file.
  8. From now on, when you send a welcome email to new users, they are directed to click a link and open that file, “GetLMX.accdb”. When they do, LMX will automatically be downloaded to their local Desktop.

LMX_Complete (Posted on 19 May 21 at 1547 EST)– This download package contains both the LMX Frontend and Backend data files, as well as other pertinent files needed for the initial LMX installation.

NOTE – The username and password for the LMX package is as follows:
Username: admin
Password: admin

The Super-User Password is:



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